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Wolyung (Attack) 

Darkness Sky Dancer

Awakened Bonus: Strengthen Skill [Amuse]
Darkness Sky Dancer Avatar (Awakened) Darkness Sky Dancer Avatar
Fire Water Wind Light Darkness
Skill: Leader Skill

Leader Skill

Increases the Attack Speed of ally monsters in the Arena by 28%.

increase attack speed
6 Skill: Graceful Touch

Graceful Touch

Attacks with a grateful touch and possesses the enemy with a 30% chance to increase the enemy's chances of missing for 2 turns.

  • Lv.2 Damage +5%
  • Lv.3 Damage +5%
  • Lv.4 Harmful Effect Rate +10%
  • Lv.5 Damage +10%
  • Lv.6 Harmful Effect Rate +10%
Increased chances of missing
[[ATK * 3.8]]
5 Skill: Amuse


Cooldown: 4 Turns

Recovers the allies and increases the Attack Power for 3 turns. The recovery amount is in proportion to the Attack Power.

  • Lv.2 Recovery +5%
  • Lv.3 Recovery +10%
  • Lv.4 Recovery +10%
  • Lv.5 Cooltime Turn -1
Increase ATK
recover hp
[[ATK * 2.5]]
5 Skill: Dagger of Grudge

Dagger of Grudge

Cooldown: 4 Turns

Attacks with a secretly hidden blade to inflict damage that ignores all benefical effects that reduce the inflicted damage. The damage also increases as your HP status decreases.

  • Lv.2 Damage +10%
  • Lv.3 Damage +10%
  • Lv.4 Damage +10%
  • Lv.5 Cooltime Turn -1
[[ATK * 1.0] * [ATTACK_CUR_HP_RATE * -0.6 + 2.8]] Updated on 3.8.6