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Orion (Support) 

Water Brownie Magician

Awakened Bonus: Leader Skill
Water Brownie Magician Avatar (Awakened) Water Brownie Magician Avatar
Fire Water Wind Light Darkness
Skill: Leader Skill

Leader Skill

Increases the Defense of ally monsters by 25%.

increase defense
5 Skill: Run Run

Run Run

Bounces towards the enemy to attack and gets another turn with a 30% chance.

  • Lv.2 Damage +5%
  • Lv.3 Damage +5%
  • Lv.4 Damage +10%
  • Lv.5 Damage +10%
extra turn
[[ATK * 3.0]]
5 Skill: Fly Fly

Fly Fly

Cooldown: 4 Turns

Attacks all enemies with giant orbs, decreasing their Defense for 1 turn. This attack lands as a Crushing Hit, regardless of the enemy's attribute.

  • Lv.2 Damage +10%
  • Lv.3 Damage +10%
  • Lv.4 Damage +10%
  • Lv.5 Cooltime Turn -1
Decrease DEF
area attack elemental bonus
[[ATK * 2.4]]
3 Skill: Harmless Prank

Harmless Prank

Cooldown: 5 Turns

Randomly selects an enemy 4 times to grant one of the following effects: remove a benefical effect, stun, drecrease Defense, or disturb HP recovery. Additionally, the Attack Bar of all allies will be increased by 30%.

  • Lv.2 Cooltime Turn -1
  • Lv.3 Cooltime Turn -1
Decrease DEF Stun Unrecoverable
area attack increase attack bar multiple strike